We are Australian poultry specialists focusing on producing and processing the finest chicken, cockerel, ducks and game birds for chefs and cooks who appreciate the flavours and textures of traditionally raised birds. We grew up in a household where poultry dishes were the centrepiece of meals, where high-quality birds were both respected, and expected.

美好的優質食材, 來自澳洲牧場匠人的最真誠心意。


優質、 美味 以熱情與專業,為每一個家庭提供安全、優質、美味的家禽產品,是我們不變的承諾。 透過永續農業、動物友善、環境友善的養殖技術,我們承諾,將持續為環境的永續做出貢獻。

安心運送,永遠是第一 讓您安心享受新鮮美味食品,是我們永遠的目標。 所有金牌貨品送貨期間保存在冷凍車內並以保存溫度為 4°C以下,以最佳狀態送到顧客手上。

聯絡我們 若您有任何問題或意見,歡迎聯絡我們的專業顧客服務團隊。團隊服務時間為星期一至五上午九時至下午五時; 及星期六上午八時至下午一時。

Aurum Poultry Co.

Farming for the Future

Aurum Poultry Co is a collective of Australian poultry specialists dedicated to producing the finest locally reared chicken, cockerel, pullet, duck and game birds. We strive for poultry with a rich, deep flavour and a defined texture. This can only be achieved through excellence in farming and animal husbandry. An old saying goes: ‘you can’t make a sad bird taste good’. We understand that to produce a premium eating experience our flocks must be well-fed, well-watered, well-sheltered and cared for throughout their lives.

Forming close relationships with a selection of small, hand-picked family farmers throughout Victoria, the Aurum Poultry Co. founders and farm team have shared their traditions and knowledge with its farming cooperative in order to grow perfect birds and create refined poultry products. Aurum Poultry Co. farms utilise well-honed farming techniques and the highest level of farming and animal husbandry in the industry. We also have a state-of-the-art processing facility in Melbourne’s west employing 100 people. Aurum Poultry Co. understands the great importance of freshness in delivering a superior product. Looking after every aspect of its production, from the farming and rearing of the birds, to transport, processing and packaging, allows Aurum Poultry Co. to bring the freshest specialty poultry to professional chefs and home cooks across Australia.

Highlights of Our Farming Approach

We understand that achieving great flavour takes patience. While the chicken industry-standard lifetime is 42 days from hatching to processing, our Fook Wong Chickens are grown out to between 100-120 days to develop muscle, strengthen the bone, and allow the legs & breast to develop tone, colour, and texture.

The strict low-density requirements from our partner farmers to grow Fook Wong Chicken sees a maximum stocking rate at just 30kg per square metre, well below the industry code requirement of 40kg per square metre. This means fewer birds with more room to run and to spread their wings while preventing aggressive actions that can be caused by unnecessary overcrowding. That active movement is key to building muscle and muscle means great texture and flavour.

Over the years, we have refined and perfected our products by establishing close relationships; sharing our traditions, knowledge, and culture with a collection of small, hand-picked family farmers across the country. Many of these partnered farmers were struggling to survive when their contracts were discontinued by commercial companies seeking larger-scale production to cut costs. Through the initiative, more than 10 collaborating farms benefit from our shared well-honed best-practice farming techniques.
