Fresh Salted Duck Eggs

Moorabool Valley


A staple in Asian pantries, our Salted Duck Egg stands out for its rounded aroma. The flavour of the translucent egg white and the orange-red yolk is enhanced by a moderate dose of salinity. The production process of the salted eggs takes place entirely at our farms in Victoria – a low-density habitat for the Moorabool Valley ducks to grow up slowly on 100% natural feed. After the eggs are laid, a rigorous selection scheme dictates that only the excellent “AA” level duck eggs are chosen. Each of them weighs more than 95 grams, which is 15 to 25 grams heavier than the alternatives in the market. Adhering to traditional methods, the eggs are cured for around 45 days as their taste and texture are fully transformed. The highly prized egg yolk becomes perfectly grainy and oozes aromatic egg yolk oil, both traits greatly appreciated by epicures. The white maintains its integrity and smoothness, which highlights how fresh the egg is.
The production process of the salted eggs takes place entirely at our farms in Victoria – a low-density habitat for the Moorabool Valley ducks to grow up slowly on natural feed.
Our fresh salted duck eggs are available to purchase online, in packs containing 6 eggs each or in trays containing 20 duck eggs each.